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Brazil Needs More Beer

Soccer365 writes: "With the World Cup only weeks away and Brazil - as always one of the favorites, the Brazilian government is taking action to make sure the fans can relax and drink a beer while watching World Cup matches.

Beer import duties have been slashed on canned beer from 16% to 2% so that the country does not run dry. The local breweries announced they would be unable to brew enough to supply the surge in demand during the month-long tournament."

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sokrates5243d ago

Thats what the goernment do: Sircus and bread for the people. Then the crowds forget about bad public schools, public hospitals not working. At least its gonna be party...

donb5243d ago

Thats what they do. But its nice to have a party... Just to bad they cant do both:)

megacardo5243d ago

You Brazilians for sure know how to make a good party. Enjoy the World Cup!

TheJack5243d ago

They know how to play football as well!

donb5243d ago

But I hope they will fail this year. For football it would be nice if a new country won: Spain or Holland. I hope for Argentina anyway:)

njc5243d ago

Football is culture so is beer. Cheers Brazil! Looking forward to the WC!

Cyrus3655243d ago

They better get working, only a few more weeks left to churn out all that beer for their fans.