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Japanese media hail historic win

Japanese media on Tuesday hailed the national football side's historic first FIFA World Cup™ finals victory on foreign soil after their 1-0 win over Cameroon.

"Japan Won!!" screamed the headline in Sports Nippon, betraying the overall sense of surprise greeting the opening win for a side that has struggled badly for goals in the run-up to the tournament.

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donb5155d ago

They didnt deserve to win- Pure luck!

RedDevils5154d ago

just give credit where it due, the Japanese outplay the cameroon, Eto'o can not do anything cause he is been tightly marked, secondly the goal keeper have been super and very affective same as their defense line, the forward play well and delivered finishing touch which the team needed, and I don't see anything that the Cameroon threatening the Japanese defense beside the 3 shots

Mac is OK5154d ago

Japan deserved to win, Cameroon was terrible. If Japan wouldn't have been so protective about their result they could've scored again.