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Have Your Say: Who Are Your Favourites Now For World Cup 2010?, in association with Castrol Football, invites you to have your say...
All 32 teams have featured at the 2010 World Cup. There have been some electrifying performances, think Germany and Chile, while some of the other heavy-hitters have struggled to catch light. Brazil and The Netherlands were not wholly convincing in their respective victories while Italy, England and European champions Spain have yet to prove their title credentials.

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zico5153d ago

Brazil! In their first match they didn`t play as good as we know they can , but I think they are gonna play better and better towards the final. Dunga is a clever(and good) manager who knows what he is doing..

elcompa4255153d ago

Underdogs.....Brazil will crumble like last time....believe me.

RedDevils5152d ago

Brazil always loose to France, but If France no longer in the World Cup Brazil look like to be holding the cup

UsamaNaru5152d ago

Spain or France....England are chokers...they don't play well in big matches ...even though they have got immense fav player is in the English team...stevie G...buh still they just don't click together...

RedDevils5152d ago

same goes to Spain, they also choke in the World CUP