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Better Than The World Cup!

Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has been underwhelmed by recent World Cups, and believes the Champions League is a far superior tournament.

Despite lower attendances than recent seasons Ferguson doesn’t believe the competition has lost any of it’s magic - unlike the 2010 World Cup, which the Scot compared to a less-than-enjoyable past time.

"Have you seen the last six World Cups? It is better going to the dentist I suppose," he told Press Association Sport.

"It is a natural thing. If you look at the great teams in the European Cup now and think of the Premier League, you are not going to get the same crowd for Arsenal playing a lower team in the league, or the same tension and drama as you would Arsenal against Manchester United.

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donb5016d ago

He doesnt like World Cup, thats why. Nothing is bigger than the WC in the world of fotball!

GJ235016d ago

I agree with him. Last year's world cup was very dull apart from a couple of games. I prefer seeing teams with the most skilled players playing together rather than a lot of teams with mostly average players.

kulka5015d ago

Agree with Ferguson apart from Spain and Holland many player so on other teams were very averege ir had 3 or 4 good players while in the CL the teams are full of stars which make the game more exciting the world cup was one of the worst I have seen by the way