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Gareth Bale: 10 Things You Need to Know About The Crown Prince Of Europe, Plus Watch His Goals

Spurs wing wizard Gareth Bale is the toast of Europe this morning following another Champions League masterclass against Inter Milan last night.

And while it's fair to assume that Maicon for one would be happy never to hear the Welsh youngster's name again - he certainly won't want to play against him - the rest of the continent can't get enough of the 21 year-old.

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karim5014d ago

The best young talent in the world

kulka5014d ago

Agree some potential he has I think he might leave spurs to play for a top team

karim5014d ago

He has to stay at spurs for at least 2 years so he can devellop more then he can leave

kulka5014d ago

Whatever happens this player has the potential to be one of the best in the wrold or the best even he should stay but I think the offer from team like Real may br too much to say no too for a ambitious young player like him

karim5014d ago

Imo he should go to chelsea or barcelona...ashley cole will be 31 in 2 years and we need a "long term" replacement and about barca they need a quality LB...His Careeer Will be Destroyer at Real Madrid

kulka5014d ago

Real is not a club for players like him too many great players destroyed their carrers at that club I dont know what s wrong with the club how can so many great players play so badly for a team

GJ235014d ago

I remember Giggs trying to get him to come to Man u when he was leaving southampton. I dont see him staying at Tottenham for long. They are improving but i can't see them winning any major competitions soon. I have a feeling he will stay in england though.

GJ235014d ago

Very skilled young player. Should be competing for player of the year in a couple of seasons.

karim5014d ago

Yeah he has the quality to be one of the best

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