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Highlights: FC Barcelona 0-1 Real Madrid [AET] (Copa del Rey Final - 20/04/2011)

0-1 Ronaldo 103'

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reznik_zerosum4845d ago

i love Mourinho,but Cataluña owns madrid fags

HxCGamer4845d ago

lol you created an account just to troll????

you must really be heartbroken that we took the trophy...

and if barcelona owns so much why does real have a better history =p

even though i hate barca, even i can admit when barca plays better.............yesterday we were better, we won

get the f over it =]

The Hunter4846d ago

This is so bad.. Barca was from the second half a way better!

FootballZilla4846d ago

Who deserved to win though mate?

Corepred44846d ago

Yeah they were better in the second half but Real Madrid was better overall to take the win.

HxCGamer4846d ago (Edited 4846d ago )

Madrid deserved this win!

best counterattacks


yes kind of waiting for an absurd excuse explaining what just happened + waiting for some more unnecessary hate for madrid

Sahil4846d ago (Edited 4846d ago )

Yes, you want something from me :)

@Above: Really, waiting for me.. am honored!

Don't wanna spoil this moment for Madrid fans, they deserve it.

FootballZilla4846d ago

And thats Mourinho first trophie with Madrid.
Madrid deserve this one.

The Hunter4846d ago

Oké no problem, Barca will win the La Liga and the Champions League, that a way more importent then the Copa del Rey..

Real is a dirty team, with Pepe, Ramos and Alonso.. etc.. Bleh..

krazykombatant4846d ago

LOl what about that yellow Albeyol got... the phantom sniper

Mozilla894846d ago

Any time people say how dirty Real is I like to refer to this.

The Hunter4846d ago (Edited 4846d ago )

Let me say this, because I got already three disagrees..

Why is Mourinho always ending the game with ten man against Barca? Because they play dirty, its a fact so why disagree?

EDIT @ Mozilla: That's not good also, but it is a way better then the tackles of Pepe against Messi! (no look for the ball)

Mozilla894846d ago

That acting is why Mourinho ended up with 10 men last year in the CL. I'm not supporting Real or anything, I just don't like Busqets. I wasn't a huge fan of how many times Carvahlo went down during extra time either.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4846d ago
Corepred44846d ago

Where's Sahil to come up with excuses and continue to hate on everything Real Madrid! lmao

Sahil4846d ago

am not a hater or anything.. I don't hate any club, Madrid played well.. they deserved to win today, their night :)

Corepred44846d ago

Well then you're just more negative against certain clubs than others.

Sahil4846d ago

@Core: Come on.. you won the cup, enjoy it!

I was just putting my point about the last game, nothing personal.

megacardo4846d ago

God game, like that madrid is back on the winning track

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