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Lampard's England career 'is over': Wilshere is now Capello's main man

Frank Lampard’s career as a first-choice England midfielder is finally over.

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kulka4744d ago

Gerrard and Lampard could not play together but Gerrard and Wilshere would be exciting one playmaker other box to box

Yi-Long4744d ago

... plus Liverpool has a bunch of promising youngsters in the back also, so it seems like nice times are coming for the english national squad.

kulka4744d ago (Edited 4744d ago )

Is Ramsey not Welsh ? agree with you Liverpool has few good yougsters like Flanagan robinson sterling and Morgan other teams like Chelsea United and of course Arsenal are producing great amount of talent good times ahead for England

Yi-Long4744d ago

I didn't know he was Welsh, but you're probably right. I couldn't be bothered checking it :)

That sucks though, such a promising young player and then sadly won't be seen on the international stage playing for his country.

Some of his vision/passing has been tremendous in this pre-season period.

Same with Wilshere btw. Seems like the spirit of Bergkamp is still hanging around :)

RedDevils4744d ago (Edited 4744d ago )

he's a Welsh and a Captain of his own country as well

zeddy4744d ago

lampard is useless for england, rarely see him do anything cept takes penalties. please let this be true.

Anderson84743d ago

this is great but with capello still around the future is still bleak

HOSe4743d ago

lampard will forever be known as the man who brought goal line technology to the 2014 world cup!