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In the Line of Fire: Premier League Managers Who Can Be Fired This Season

The owners have flashed their cheque-books and now it's time to do all the talking on the pitch. No exaggeration then to expect that it's time for some managers to lose sleep. Especially those who have been clear losers, or have not been able to compete to their liking in the transfer market, or have made the wrong decisions

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freeduck4708d ago

Keane, Warnock, and AVB are in the hotseat right now, IMO. The first one to get sacked will be on of those 3

guigsy4708d ago

Steve Kean will probably be the first to go, but in fairness the new owners haven't backed him one bit.

Anderson84708d ago

wenger will never be sacked by arsenal the board love his money saving/ making style so much, though he may resign,,, and rednapp took spurs to the last 8 of the cl after the club where bottom of the league when he took over he also wont be sacked