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Has Fernando Torres done enough to start for Chelsea against Manchester United?

On the face of it, Fernando Torres' contribution for Chelsea against against Bayer Leverkusen was admirable.

He set up both goals, astutely teeing up David Luiz for the opener and unselfishly side footing to Juan Mata for the decisive second in added time.

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freeduck4699d ago

No. One performance in one game is not enough to make up his reputation at Chelsea.

The issue with Torres this and last season was consistency. He can be MOTM some games, but invisible in others.
That, and he hasn't scored this season.

Gamer19824698d ago

They really messed up buying him.

mastiffchild4697d ago

OK, way to ignore the question guys. No one's saying Torres has been ripping up any trees since moving to Chelsea but that's not the issue here whatsoever-it's about whether his performance linking with Mata and Stuz was good enough for him to lead the line at OT. I've NEVER been a massive fan of the guy but looking at his stats show the only thing lacking is an actual number of shots(on or off target-he just shoots rarely)this season and the two assists on tuesday were high quality.

With DD out, Kalou being pants it comes down to a choice of two from Torres, Anelka and DS to join Mata in the front three Sunday.I'd go with DS and Torres to start and hope AVB is brave enough to do likewise and leave the experience of Anelka on the bench-not that I'm ANYWHERE near sorting what the rest of the side(bar Cech Cole and Terry) will be!