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United defend like Barcelona' - Wayne Rooney claims Red Devils have adopted defensive tactics

England striker says aspects of the Spanish champions' defensive strategy have been implemented at Old Trafford, insisting their play off the ball is their "biggest asset".

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kane_lfc4682d ago (Edited 4682d ago )

Good joke Rooney.

genocidegeneral2154682d ago

jesus you are on every united post,
you my friend are the true definition of a troll

kane_lfc4682d ago

Barcelonas defense does not let Norwich have 17 shots on target at the Nou camp :P

Gamer19824681d ago

Well on topic here Rooney is wrong and Kane does have a point united does have the most shots on goal against them of any team this season. It does mean there defense is lacking as they are a more attacking team this season. Obviously the hit from Barca forced this new tactic from Fergie but teams with a decent attack will take advantage of it. United are riding a bit of luck too right in defense with a sitter missed at Norwich and Chelsea. However if they keep up the outscoring everybody they won't need a strong defense.

Anderson84682d ago (Edited 4682d ago )

only 4 were on target... and barca rarely need to defend they keep possesion for so long, thats why they can get away with cm at cb

kane_lfc4682d ago

Macherano is a perfectly good center half, after all he kept Rooney in his back pocket in the CL final.

Anderson84682d ago

not realy if rooney scored.. barca never give the opposition the ball so the cbs dont get attacked mascherano is a good midfielder but an average cb at best.. you may think hes great because he was playing for a midtable club before.. but i assure you thats not the case