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Arsenal fans plan protest against Wenger

Angry Arsenal fans plan to flag up their anger at under-fire manager ­Arsene Wenger when the Gunners play Sunderland at the Emirates next ­Sunday.

A new protest group, ArsenalFCnotPLC, will protest during the ­Premier League clash with Steve Bruce’s side and will use banners to make their cause more visible.

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Gamer19824673d ago

Why protest against him? Hes not the problem its the owners.

Sahil4673d ago

I think he is the problem, he had the fabregas-nasri money to spend but didn't.

Gamer19824673d ago

By the time he got it the market was nearly closed and all the best players had moved on. Sure it was partially his own fault for trying to hold onto his players but are people being a bit too harsh on him for trying to hold onto them? I think so as look whats happened now there gone.

kulka4673d ago

agree with gamer there was no one available really for Arsenal I think they will be busy in january though