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Wayne Rooney will be ‘luckiest man in the world’ if he gets just a one-match ban at Euro 2012

The 1990 World Cup semi-finalist believes that the forward is "the Three Lions’ Lionel Messi" and that an extended ban for his sending off will be a huge blow for the national side.

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Corepred44671d ago

FIFA or whoever need to stop being pussies! It was a kick get over it. He got red carded right? Quit trying to act like your crooked asses even care. Geez!

KingPin4670d ago

why the hell isnt it a one match ban? can someone please explain it to me?

i mean, ok, he kicked a guy but it wasnt anything in it.

its not like he went in maliciously with the intent to break his opponents legs. nor was he pleading innocence when the ref gave him the red card. and he didnt tramp a player while he was on the ground either. not only that, but the player who got kicked didnt react to rooney in any form of anger.

i seen players break legs, get a red card with a one match ban.

so now why is rooneys "tackle" different.

i dont understand it.

MaximusPrime4670d ago

Confirmed, Rooney given 3 matches ban