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Villas-Boas predicts Barcelona downfall

Andre Villas-Boas predicted the end of Barcelona's dominance of European football on Tuesday.

The Chelsea boss admitted Barca had set the "benchmark" for how the game should be played in the past five years, which have seen them win the Champions League three times.

But despite acknowledging the firm foundations the Catalan giants had laid in order to achieve their remarkable recent success, the Portuguese could foresee their eventual downfall.

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Nes_Daze4664d ago

You can't be at the top forever, but hell they'll go down in history as one of the best teams that has ever existed.

HawtSkull4664d ago

not before they dive their way to the finals again

kane_lfc4663d ago

Barca still have a good 2 years atleast ahead of them until they begin to 'falldown'