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Rooney: Pepe ‘an idiot’ For Messi Stamp

Manchester United’s Wayne Rooney labels Real Madrid’s Pepe ‘an idiot’ for Clasico stamp on Barcelona’s Lionel Messi.

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Corepred44778d ago

Pepe would destroy Rooney. It's true no matter how your feelings are toward Pepe. Keep to your league Roon.

freeduck4778d ago

Pepe has a history of really bad challenges

He is a reckless and dirty CB

buddymagoo4778d ago

Pepe can't even destroy little Messi, Rooney would brush past that fool.

Corepred44778d ago

So by your comment you're saying rooney is better than messi?!

buddymagoo4777d ago

I'm saying that Pepe is a fool and couldn't hurt a little man like Messi. Rooney being the thug that he is would murder Pepe le fool.

Anderson84777d ago

destroy him at what exactly

kane_lfc4777d ago

Rooney calling someone an idiot? Oh the irony..didnt he elbow a West Brom player in the face last season and get away with it? Lets not forget his other countless of idiotic incidents.

buddymagoo4777d ago

Wigan player actually and lets not forget him getting the ban for kicking the Montenegro player not so long ago.

Infernostew4777d ago

...and that stamp on Carvalho in the World Cup even though that was a long time ago.

buddymagoo4777d ago

Oh yeah! Stamped him good and proper on his balls. A bit of payback for injuring him.

Nes_Daze4777d ago

I agree with Rooney.
The thing is, Pepe will resort to reckless tackles more than half of the time. I don't think he would be able to cope with any good forwards lol. This man just loves the yellow card, and gets so lucky to not receive a red.