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Jose Mourinho to quit as Real Madrid manager in June

Telegraph- Real Madrid manager Jose Mourinho has decided to leave his position at the club on June 30, according reports in the Spanish media.

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sdtarm4774d ago

this cant possibly be legit, for more that i would like him to retire i dont think hell leave RM yet

kulka4774d ago

Why would he leave only manager for two years he is in a good position to pose a serious challange to Barca in the league at least. If he leaves real would need new manager and rebuild again

buddymagoo4774d ago

He likes to be the media darling and Pep will always have that title while he is in Spain. I can see him winning the League this year then calling it a day for a few years or maybe even going to manage is France with Paris.

GanjaMan4774d ago

I reckon he's getting ready for the United job, Sir Alex may call it a day this season since he's now 70!

GanjaMan4773d ago

He should just retire now, he's spent 25 years at the club that is enough and he's 70, at this rate he will only be able to enjoy retirement for 10/15 years

buddymagoo4773d ago

He wants one more go at the Champions League, that's all he ever wanted and would like to leave with three under his belt. I'm sad to say it but it would be some task.

arjman4773d ago

Jose should go to Arsenal

GanjaMan4773d ago

Yh man he should join us but only when Arsene steps down, I dont want Arsene to get sacked cause it will damage the reputation he has at the club, look at Kevin Kegan and Kunt Kenny they have damaged there legendary reputations at their clubs!

Kos-Mos4773d ago

You might consider to retire to smoke whatever it is since you always write incredible stupid comments.

Umerr4774d ago

The only possibility of him leaving is if he get an offer from Manchester United or Manchester City, City are doing great under Mancini so that wont happen. And can't see Sir Alex retiring any time soon. Just lazy journalism this.

krazykombatant4774d ago

This can't possibly be true.. Hes done a great job with RM in closing the gap against barca. All that is needed is for the players to grow some backbone against barca.

I highly doubt he well leave RM in one of its best years it has ever had, losses to barca aside, this team has scored more goals than ever in 19 games. We lead the table with 5 points and look poised to make a great run to the Champions Final.

I call b.s

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