SkySports- Real Madrid head coach Jose Mourinho has hit back of reports that he is on the verge of quitting the club by stating he is 'happy in Madrid'.
barca has already won 3 la liga titles since maurhino i think anything less the trophy this year for madrid will be disaster and he will get axed, wrong manager for the wrong club, i can see why chelsea and inter got him, those teams are very physical or use to be, real madrid style is not j.m style of football/.
he'll get sacked! just like villaz boast next september
If the press get off his back I can see him staying for a long time.
barca has already won 3 la liga titles since maurhino i think anything less the trophy this year for madrid will be disaster and he will get axed, wrong manager for the wrong club, i can see why chelsea and inter got him, those teams are very physical or use to be, real madrid style is not j.m style of football/.
he'll get sacked! just like villaz boast next september
chelsea fan
that doesn't change the fact that madrid with all the stars can't even beat a bored barca team is just spolied!
the only team in europe that can handle barca is CHELSEA! NOBODY FKN DOES IT LIKE THE BLUES FK OFF LA LIGA