Interviews TV

What’s Next for Dr. Floyd Reynolds? An Interview with New Amsterdam’s Jocko Sims

It was a firing heard across the conference room of New Amsterdam. When we first met Dr. Floyd Reynolds he was heading out the doors of New Amsterdam after Dr. Max Goodwin fired him and the entire cardiology department without warning.

But after realizing Reynolds was one of the most talented and effective doctors who refused unnecessary surgeries and believed in alternate treatments, he was promoted to Head of Cardiovascular Surgery.

Throughout the show Dr. Reynolds showcased his hardworking skills/determination, dedicated and willingness to learn. He’s faced racism, cultural shock and the complications of the medical system.

Each week fans tuned in to watch Dr. Reynolds save lives, navigate a complicated love life and almost resign after losing faith in his passion and Dr. Goodwin. He built irreplaceable bonds with his patients and colleagues…and then just like that he was gone.

New Amsterdam" Season 2 "Liftoff" Preview: Reynolds Wraps Up His Run

It ended with with “Liftoff,” in an elevator shaft helping a young boy trapped in an elevator pit. Just like that with one last save Dr. Reynolds said goodbye to New Amsterdam to move to San Francisco with his fiancée Evie.

It was beautiful, simple and direct.

But what’s next for Dr. Reynolds? The Koalition interviewed Jocko Sims about the direction of the character, Dr. Reynolds’ growth and if he’s gone forever.

“I don’t want to confirm that ya may not see Floyd again. I don’t want to confirm that there won’t be a spin-off. I won’t confirm that’s he’s leaving for good because we didn’t get to see the rest of the season that he left for good or that he’s coming back or that we’re seeing him in San Francisco. That being said a very poignant beautiful moment that I remember our producer Michael Sullivan – I didn’t know at what capacity [Floyd] would say [his] goodbyes; and when I read it I got emotional and when saw it after they shot it I thought it was very nice as well. I personally think you’ll see Floyd again. Hang in there.”

The learn more about Floyd’s character and what we might see in New Amsterdam, check our full interview below.