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Take a seat and listen to this old bean’s story

*Deep breath*

Ahh…how I can still remember the wonderful football moments I had as a young child. The green field, the feeling of my cleats digging into the ground, the rush of running downfield for a touchdown, and…



Oh right! We’re talking about THAT football. All joking aside, I’m surprised to see just how much my devotion to football has advanced over the years. It may not be my favorite sport (that would be basketball), but there’s still an insatiable draw to the simplistic concept that makes it so fun. I may not be the most sports-educated person on the site or have something new you haven’t heard a dozen times over, but I genuinely hope you enjoy this short story of how I’ve come to have an interest in football.

From what’s stated above, it’s easy to tell I wasn’t born into football like practically everyone else around the world. The US is getting more invested into it but the percentages weren’t really in its favor when I was born in the 90’s. Nevertheless, my parents still wanted me to try out as many sports as possible either at school or a recreational center like the YMCA, though they did always worry about me playing American football. Naturally, this eventually lead me to playing football for a season or two at “The Y.” And I came away not enjoying it very much. No, really. Outside of PE activities or simple recreation, I didn’t play it much as a youth and even attempted to avoid it quite often. Not until I moved to a different state between my ninth and tenth grade school year did I invest much time into it. At first, I even pleaded with my parents not to get dragged into it. Then, I reluctantly joined the school team and figured it would just act as good training for basketball. Later on, I came to regard it as much more than mere training and worthy of adding both the soccer and basketball logo on my class ring. I found said beauty in the beautiful game.

“What had changed,” I wondered, “to make me so much more devoted to it?”

One of my best friends throughout my early childhood and teenage years adored England’s football team and the sport in general, yet I was only superficially engaged for the sake of having a good time with friends. What changed from then to now? I suppose after trying out so many other activities it became so much easier to appreciate the simplicity and elegance behind the concept of only having the need of an open area, two goals, and a ball; yet within that straightforwardness comes a very deep level of strategy that’s typically executed on the fly. It’s able to capture the essence of teamwork and sportsmanship to the point that even the greatest of all the sports sins I’ve ever seen (see: the dive) doesn’t overcome the wonder of it. I suppose there’s also that “our ancestors had it right all along” aura because of just how much longer it’s been around.

When considering all the widgets and waggles that “add to the game,” I’ve never found them to further my appreciation beyond a superficial level. Whether it’s the fantasy drafts, purchase or release of popular players, or even this site; none seem to heighten or help maintain my excitement and coming back for more—not that there’s anything wrong with those aspects, mind you. I suppose I was simply part of something that held such a great dedication to the sport that those unique memories drive me to revere it so much.

“Soccer isn't the same as Bach or Buddhism. But it is often more deeply felt than religion, and just as much a part of the community's fabric, a repository of traditions.” –Franklin Foer

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coolbeans3891d ago

Hope everyone enjoyed the blog. Feel free to leave any comments. :)

Sandmano3890d ago

Thank you for calling it football... :P

coolbeans3890d ago

Haha, no problem. You fellas might need to keep an eye on me, though. Could slip back into old habits. ;)