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Dear Sindo Clogs (late Christmas card)

Dear Sindo Clogs,

I hope the weather up in The North Pole isn’t too chilly this time of year and that all your Christmas deliveries were not like UPS this year and on schedule—I was getting worried how long you hung out at my extended family’s place on Christmas Eve. Even though I might be submitting this letter a little bit later than when you’re inbox typically gets full, I don’t see what’s wrong with getting a leg up on next year’s gifts. Heck, you may even take a special trip just for me this year.

I’ll be up front right now Santa (hope you don’t mind if I call you by your pseudonym now): I haven’t been the bestest behaving boy this year, but I certainly have tried. The first accomplishment I find myself quite proud of in 2013 was taking up the voluntary duty of moderator for a site known as n4g. With this power, I cleaved and cleaved through such yucky comments and spam, sometimes during undesirable hours, in order to make that place look a little bit more orderly. The results of said actions may result in the dregs of the community constantly complaining more and more, but that’s a small price to pay. Outside of valiant internet duties, I’ve tried to grow accustomed to my new location in the real world and tried to spread joy and good cheer wherever it may be lacking.

I’ll admit such a vague descriptor for IRL good actions isn’t much for you to go on, but I can only explain it in such a way because work, which would just count as something neutral, does tend to eat away a lot of desired time for this year. I had hoped for this coming year to get involved in some specific work, like feeding the hungry in my local area, very soon into the coming year.

The first thing I’d like to wish for is world peace so that you’ll believe my heart is made of pure gold and decide to grant me all of my other Christmas wishes. Mission accomplished, I hope. Anyways…I’d also like to receive a new ergonomic office chair that’ll be a billion times more comfy than the one I currently use. I’d also like a new battery for my older ipod. Even though it’s a bit scuffed up, I don’t see the need to exchange it since there are still a few gigs of my memory left for music; just give me the same one with a battery life of more than thirty minutes and I’m set.

That should pretty much do it, I guess. I would chime in on asking for a new console, but there’s currently nothing for them that particularly excites me enough to say “I MUST have this device!” Plus, I’d like to try and wait for the Xbox One to get a slim version (with some possible upgrades like backwards compatibility and stuff built-in). In any case, hope you remember to try my double chocolate chip cookies and spiked egg nog before you scurry off this time, Santa. Merry Christmas!

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coolbeans3761d ago

Hope you enjoyed my card, Sindo/Santa!

I'd like to thank a poster named Ducky for letting me put that random photoshop piece to good use.