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Madrid admit ‘Chicharito’ mistake

Real Madrid have admitted it was a mistake in bringing Javier ‘Chicharito’ Hernandez in on loan from Manchester United.

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Spiewie 3377d ago

Well yeah they don't have a single bad player in the squad. There is simply no room for players like Hernandez, too much competition.

Stringerbell3377d ago (Edited 3377d ago )

I commend this guy on fooling two of the world biggest clubs into believing he was at their level. He isn't necessarily bad but he is not top club material. I can see him being a starter in an Espanyol or Almeria side but Real Madrid no way.

Spiewie 3377d ago

He just occasionally happens to be in the right place at the right time haha.

Nes_Daze3376d ago (Edited 3376d ago )

He's always been overrated imo, but he deserves to be a starter on a decent team. Those two goals he scored with Real Madrid earlier in the season were great, he deserves better than a bench.