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Highlights: Chelsea 2 : 2 Paris Saint-Germain (Champions League 11/3/15)


Cahill (81') 1-0

Luiz (86') 1-1

Hazard (96') 2-1

Silva (114') 2-2

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Spiewie 3369d ago

What a game this was. Even though the referee was a joke. A very bad joke.

bouzebbal3369d ago

Chelsea got helped by that joke of a referee. PSG could have scored more... just imagine what could have happened if Zlatan was still in there.
Very pleasant match with lots of emotions. I dont remember when i last screamed during a match before.. T.Silva's goal was a relief.
Now suck it Mou

Spiewie 3369d ago

Well the Ibrahimovic getting sent off may have been a mistake but what about David Luiz who should have been kicked out and Cavani tripping Costa in the box ?

Baka-akaB3368d ago (Edited 3368d ago )

except costa would be getting a red card before it happened .

However we look at it , Chelsea would lose the most with a proper job of the referee .

Stringerbell3369d ago (Edited 3369d ago )


Okay... yes as we all know the official was a complete joke. Ibra did not deserve a red card whatsoever etc etc. But after that oh boy... PSG rose to the occasion never did it look like they were playing a man down. We also get to see that Cavani truly shines playing in his natural position and not second fiddle.

Chelsea played horribly, Costa was lucky not to be sent off and the equalizer / winner from Silva was a thing of beauty. As an OM fan I despise PSG but I realize that their advancement in the competition along with Monaco come next week is massive for Ligue 1.

Spiewie 3369d ago

Costa was a liability the only thing he did all game was that dribble after which there should have been a penalty besides that he gave the ball away and should have been sent off (by Mourinho before most fouls)

Nes_Daze3369d ago

What a game, glad PSG got through and even better, David Luiz shuts up the critics AT Stamford Bridge. Beautiful.

Stringerbell3369d ago

Big time- everyone joked about the transfer PSG payed and look who took them to extra time!

Spiewie 3369d ago

They still paid way to much haha.

The_Devil_Hunter3368d ago

They paid way too much for Luiz, it was a great goal he scored and hes a fantastic defender but very, very inconsistent.

MajorLazer3369d ago

Rentboys crashing out made my night! :D

LightDiego3369d ago

Great match, even if i hate both teams, i hate PSG even more.

The_Devil_Hunter3368d ago

Maybe because they have all the money to buy anyone they want?

barbarapeva3366d ago

It was a great match between the two teams though.

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