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Match Highlights: La Liga BBVA [Week 28] - Barcelona 2-1 Real Madrid (22/3/15)

Mathieu (19')
Ronaldo (31')
Suarez (56')

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asmith23063369d ago

Great game, and what a goal by Suarez, sublime! Fair play to Madrid as well. Didn't think they would take it to Barca so much.

Stringerbell3369d ago

Enjoyable game for sure - minus Mascherano's play acting =p

asmith23063368d ago

There was a lot of play acting (always is in El Classico), but that took the prize for sure. Ronaldos dive a close second. Respect lost.

KingPin3369d ago

one of the most entertaining matches of the weekend.

but i must say the diving and play acting really ruins it.
suarez, ronaldo, mascherano, neymar, etc etc what the hell. way too much over acting.

some of the decisions were also crap. yellow cards, offsides, fouls. but with all the rubbish going on, have to hand it to the refs for keeping it fair.

monkeyDzoro3368d ago

Neymar ??? When did Neymar dive in that match ?

MrSnrub3368d ago

Several times - he decides to fall over instead of stay on his feet. Granted there were some cases where it was because of contact, but most of the time it was because he didn't stay on his feet

windblowsagain3368d ago

Should have been a draw. No way in hell was bale offside lol.


All decent goals and good game overall.

yezz3368d ago (Edited 3368d ago )

Sure but Ronaldo was... The linesman got it spot on.

windblowsagain3368d ago


Never saw that version. My bad.

Good call.

But good game as wellm

windblowsagain3368d ago


Never saw that version. My bad.

Good call.

But good game as well

yezz3368d ago

Yeah. I got to admit, I also didn't see the offside until the final replay.. got to give massive credit to the linesman for spotting it.

S2Killinit3368d ago

Never belive pictures when it comes to these types of things. If there was a video i would believe it, but there are a lot of VERY passionate fans out there. Its extremely easy to tamper with a picture with photoshop. In this case all you have to do is digitally cut the picture in half where the goalie and the goal lines are, then angle it so the players become offside, then just copy paste the missing grass from elsewhere in the picture to fill in the missing grass section. Wallah ronaldo is now completely offside.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3368d ago
S2Killinit3368d ago

They were saying Ronaldo was offside BUT, the goal should have counted.
The rule of FIFA is: if its too close to call then its not an offside.
Robaldo was kept on by the other barca defender standing next to Bale. That goal would have changed the whole dynamic of the match i believe.

S2Killinit3368d ago

Yup. Its real life go look up the rules. Its there. Ronaldo was not offside. That goal would have been counted 8/10 times. The remaining two times would be due to referee's trigger finger in rajsing the flag. Even the announcer on BeIN sport said "bad call". How much more real does it need to get?

ProjectVulcan3368d ago

Barcelona's title to lose now

Nes_Daze3368d ago

Both teams missed a handful of chances, Neymar right after Mathieu's goal, then Ronaldo hitting the crossbar, and both Bravo and Casillas made great saves. Great performance by Mathieu, he's done very good this season. Suarez pretty much destroyed Real Madrid's morale with that brilliant goal.