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Comedian Simon Brodkin Crashes FIFA Conference, Throws Money over Sepp Blatter

The FIFA press conference in Zurich has been gatecrashed by comedian Simon Brodkin, also known as Lee Nelson, with the intruder storming onto the stage and throwing money over FIFA President Sepp Blatter.

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Stringerbell3244d ago

This has nothing to do with football (but everything to do with FIFA =p).

Grap3243d ago

Where is the comedy here?

sonicwrecks3244d ago

For better or worse there is ever chance the image of Blatter looking sadly out at people as money rains down around him will become one of THE iconic pictures in football.

sonic9893244d ago

thats low very very low there are many people who deserve this treatment blatter was just running football nothing more than that even if he was corrupt, something smells fishy here .

big_dom_part_23244d ago (Edited 3244d ago )

HAHAH Low? The poor little lamb. Wind your fucking neck in. This man is knee deep in shit and scandal, as well as having blood on his hands. Yes, I said blood on his hands. Why? How many workers died in Brazil erecting shoddy stadia in time to host his fucking world cup, when people there barely survive day to day life with all the corruption of the government there, corruption this dickhead benefited from with swollen pockets, and that's only one instance of how bad it is. The cunt deserves shooting instead of fake notes thrown at him. Do yourself a favour and actually do a little research before spouting such bollocks in the near future, eh?

sonic9893244d ago (Edited 3244d ago )

i never said he was innocent or anything but that kind of treatment deserves someone like david cameron or that united nation clown guy ban ki mon, you get the idea i believe because if that guy is corrupted then those i just mentioned and more of course are the very definition of the word corruption but they dont get that kind of treatment which makes me suspicious why blatter and why now, why not jack rogg the ex olympics president for example who was known pretty much like blatter the whole knew who would win the olympic board presidency before it even happened, it doesnt make sense unless it connects to something bigger than what we know .
i am used to people insulting these but i take them as much as their brain allows them to

Muadiib3244d ago

He's used to it being in a suitcase pushed under a table in a seedy strip club, he didn't recognise it is all.

Modi19843244d ago

I hate Blatter, but that video is disgusting and sad to see

ironfist923244d ago

He should be in jail. This is nothing.

Stringerbell3243d ago

Agreed. This man has been wheeling and dealing under the guise of his 'non profit' for years and there has been no consequences. A small time practical joke is nothing, he deserves jail time.