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Will Neymar Stay In Barcelona Or Go To Manchester United?

With Neymar yet to put pen to paper on a contract extension, the Brazilian superstar's future at the Nou Camp has been in doubt over the past few months.Former Barcelona president Juan Laporta has claimed that Barcelona may have to sell Neymar to Manchester United but Lionel Messi isn't going anywhere.

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raining3150d ago

i do hope he can retire in Barca as well as messi

big_dom_part_23150d ago

United supporters really are a deluded bunch, aren't they? First Messi, then Ronaldo, now Neymar. Spend another 300 million, and keep Rooney on 300k a week. Maybe that'll be enough to ensure you that you get past teams like Middlesbrough to win a league cup.

KingPin3150d ago (Edited 3150d ago )

what if i told you the media created the stories not the united supporters....

the only way i see neymar leaving barca is if barca have money issues and need to make some big bucks in a short time. other than that, i dont see neymar going anywhere.

another possible reason would be if neymar feels he doesnt get enough credit because everytime barca achieve something, messi gets credit and that could be held against him when it comes to individual achievements....but even if that was the case, united doesnt sound like a favorable destination at this point in time. 10 years ago maybe, but now, not a chance.

b163o13149d ago

Lmao, I'd like to see him Premier, as well as Messi. They'll see quickly see the difference in league's.

RGB3149d ago

I'm sure they see the difference in the Champions League titles too.

KTF263149d ago

Barca vs Man City Last year
Barca vs Man U Final 2009, 2011
Barca vs Chelsea ... Chelsea isn't a good example because they play like an Italian team

sonicwrecks3148d ago

I'd love to see him play in the Premier League but why would he? His style of play totally suits La Liga, why move when you're being paid a fortune, have success and are at the top of your game?