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Ranking the Top 10 African Players in the English Premier League

Africa is a nation that is somewhat neglected by World Football despite producing some of the most talented, skilled and powerful players ever to grace a football pitch. The African style is often fast paced, powerful an exciting yet they lack that killer touch that has ensured an African side has never succeeded in winning a World Cup.

The African Nations Cup occurs every two years and provides the world a minor glimpse of how beautifully Africa plays football and how much it means to struggling, poverty stricken nations. Tales are told of how as youngsters some of the best African players played in dirty, muddy alleyways with rolled up paper bags.

So in recognition of Africa, this article will rank the ten best African players in the English Premier League.

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karim4990d ago

Kinda Expected Drogba and Essien To be the top 2

Clueless4989d ago

Diaby N=3 ?? Ahead Of Kolo and Mikel,What A Joke

RedDevils4989d ago

lol just list all the chelsea's players, cause they mostly feel with african players xd

FootballZilla4989d ago

Yobo ahead of Adabayor and Kalou?