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Reynald Temarii sure he'll be cleared

Suspended FIFA executive committee member Reynald Temarii has "no doubt" he will be cleared of corruption charges and allowed to vote for the 2018 and 2022 World Cup hosts.

Temarii told The Associated Press on Thursday that he is confident FIFA's ethics committee will lift his suspension next week after he shows that Britain's Sunday Times newspaper "fabricated false evidence" against him.

"I have no doubt that I will vote on Dec. 2," Temarii wrote in an e-mail reply to questions from the AP, adding that he will be willing to later reveal for whom he voted in the secret ballots.

"I feel confident and determined that I now will have the opportunity to present my evidence to the ethics committee in order to confirm my good faith and integrity."

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Messishow4957d ago

I dont think so. I think they all are corrupted.

GJ234957d ago

It would be nice if he is cleared just to find someone who isnt corrupted. would make a nice change

BjornarO4957d ago

I dont think all is corrupted, but there is a job to clean up there.

GJ234957d ago

Sunday times are a bit dodgy. Hope he is cleared, too much corruption in sport these days

4957d ago