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Lukas Podolski kicks Cologne teammate Martin Lanig at training

A mini fight broke out at Cologne’s training ground on Thursday when Lukas Podolski kicked Martin Lanig at training.

In the freezing, icy cold, the incident sparked up when Lanig collided with Podolski’s ankle when trying to make a tackle. Not liking that one bit, Podolski immediately turned on Lanig and kicked his teammate in the stomach.

As the player crowded around Podolski then began mouthing off at Lanig, before the German international striker hobbled off the pitch to get treatment.

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karim4943d ago

What's happening to him lately
Kicking dzeko in the crotch
and now this...

no_more_heroes4943d ago

something is definitely weighing on his mind

karim4943d ago

He's not happy at koeln so maybe he's forcing the club to sell him