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This was one failure too many for Carlo Ancelotti - Chelsea need a new manager

The Italian may be saying all the right things, but events at Old Trafford hint at the friction within Stamford Bridge that has undermined their season and will usher in a new era

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no_more_heroes4798d ago

Lol, I was seconds away from submitting this!

kulka4798d ago

Got there first lol
anyway I think that Ancelotii is one of worlds best managers if he can't win it for Chelsea then who can ?

zico4798d ago

Agree he is a great manager, but I don`t think he can turn this for Chelsea. Maybe he is better manager in Italy/spain than EPL? I don`t know, but Chelsea need a new spirit and then without Ancelotti.... I think his days in Chelsea are gone.....

Sahil4797d ago

Well, he won the double last year, there was good comeptiton last year too, with Man utd(rooney in form). Another season for him will probably get chelsea back on track.

Sahil4798d ago

I think he deserves another year with Chelsea not to prove his worth or BS, he's already done it. I think he's the man to win it for chelsea.

ohahCantona4798d ago

He is the right man, people should not blame him for the results. I think the players/squad isn`t good enough.

Chelseas problem/challenge is that they have to many players who is to old and over the top already. Can mention Chech, Drogba, Anelka, Lampard - everybody were better players two years ago. Chelsea haven`t made to develop new players in the team, and this year they end up with no titles.

Ancelotti or not next year, thats not the question, they need to built up a new and younger squad. Maybe they need two or three years without titles before they can challenge United (and Europe) again.

Sahil4797d ago (Edited 4797d ago )

2-3 years, no.. there isn't that huge of a problem, they just need a midfielder like Valbuena, that's it, they will call back sturridge(for the way he's performing), maybe you haven't seen anelka lately, he's been performing well better than lampard and drogba, so I don't see him leaving or the other way around. Man Utd have old players, it's not about old and young, it's about striking the form at the right time.

Chelsea are a THREAT with the team they have!

FReeDoM4ALL4798d ago

Chelsea won the double last season! Give the man another season, the squad itself needs a wake up call.

GJ234794d ago

Wake up call and a few fresh faces and they'll be back in the silverware


Even if they sack him, who are they going to get to replace him? The only available manager I can think of at the moment is Rafa Benitez.... Lol

Sahil4798d ago

Gus Hiddink/Steve Mclaren?

CYBERSNAKE4798d ago (Edited 4798d ago )

Guus Hiddink did a great job in his time at Chelsea but he's currently the coach for Turkey and I'm not sure Mclaren is a good enough manager for Chelsea.
They need someone who can deliver the Champions League. I hope they stick with Ancelotti.

GJ234797d ago

That would be interesting. Maybe he can get torres doing well again

GJ234797d ago

He needs time. Done a good job with the team already