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Sir Alex Ferguson charged by FA for improper conduct regarding comments made towards referee Webb

Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has been charged with improper conduct by the FA for his comments on referee Howard Webb in the build up to the league-leaders' match against Chelsea.

Ferguson told journalists upon the appointment of Webb: "He's definitely the best referee in the country, there's no doubt about that. We are getting the best referee and we hope it's our turn for a little bit of luck."

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He was answering a question from the media at a press conference, what do you want him to say? They might aswell charge Ancelotti as even he commented on the ref. Where do the FA come up with these rules?
Ah forget it it's the end of the season anyway.

zootang4782d ago

The FA hates United just look at the England squad;

Treat Rio like S*** even though he will be winning the league and going to the champions league final unlike lager lout Terry.

Carrick can't get in the Team over Barry which is just an out right joke!

When Foster was at United couldn't get in the England squad, moved to Birmingham and BAM gets called up.

Wes Brown never got a look in at right back so had to retire.

Michael Owen ignored over Kevin Davis (yeah kevin Davis)

Smalling quickly becoming one of the best centre halfs in the country can't even get a call up. Excuse is age yet younger players are on the team.

Rooney blamed for everything!

I suppose it suits us because these player ain't going away getting injured and I suppose Fergie is happy

In Sir Alex I Trust, United We Stand!

guigsy4780d ago

Richards and Balotelli swore into the camera after the FA cup final, where are their two match bans?

Sahil4782d ago

Manchester United = No Class.

zootang4781d ago

What does that even mean?

Sahil4781d ago

That means.. Go buy a dictionary!

zootang4781d ago (Edited 4781d ago )

So you don't know yourself, lol. Class is something that belongs in the past, just like Liverpool.