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Real Madrid vs. Barcelona Fight: Watch Explosive Ending to Spanish Cup

Sparks fly when Barcelona and Real Madrid go head to head. This time, those sparks ignited a fire. Playing two games in less than a week proved to be more than enough familiarity to build up a fighting amount of contempt.

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sokrates4682d ago

This scenes are not supposed to happen. Ugly tackle, but the rest is worse. My opinion is that Mourinho was the worst man: From just out of nothing he "attacks" a man, putting a finger into his eye or something. For what? Mourinho is the most stupid man in the world of football- and know he shows it for real!

KingsCross4682d ago

Relax. Yesterday was not a good day at work. But, remember: This is the first time we have seen Moruinho to loose it! We dont know what have been said before he did that.

All in all, I was a bid disapointed about Mourinho yesterday, but its not more than that.

RGB4682d ago

In my opinion it all started because of racist jibs being thrown at Marcelo, he snapped and was reckless.

The biggest loser wasn't Mourinho at all but Villa slapping Ozil. Ozil has been calm, respectful and innocent of incidents in his career until then. Villa slapped him for no reason what so ever! Ozil was easily the rookie of the year last season with 10 goals and 25 assists.

sokrates4682d ago

Agree that there were more than 1 or 2 idiots out there yesterday. I think Mourinho was the biggest looser - he lost a lot of respect from football fans all over yesterday: thats the real loss.

Its more easy in a way to accept childy behaviour from players, Ozil lost it yesterday. He had his reasons, but if he is as calm as you describe him, I find it strange that he entered the "war".

OldParr4682d ago

even if it is true what you said about marcelo, still no excuse to tackle fabregas in such an ill manner. i'm very positive that barca players get tons of jibs at el bernabeu and still haven't seen such a disturbing tackle from them. And for the rest, I blame both teams for getting into such a dumb fight because there are plenty of kids watching including mine who happens to enjoy the sport as much as I do

RGB4681d ago (Edited 4681d ago )

Don't know why people are trying to hide the fact Marcelo was at the end of racist abuse. Watch the game again, if I was Marcelo I would of snapped as well. Sergio did last year in the UCL as well and UEFA did nothing.

Ozil "entered the war" because he was irate that another footballer would slap him in the face for no reason. What would you do if you was trying to brake up the fight and was slapped for no reason!

Watch at 30-32 seconds, Ozil is splitting players up and doing nothing wrong and then he is slapped by Villa at 33 seconds! WOW he is actually slapped twice by Villa in the incident!

@sokrates again, it turns out Villa insulted Ozil's religion of Islam! So Barca are racists and insult other believers! Insane!

Its time people stopped defending Barca for their outrageous behavior. Wasn't tackling like this promoted in the 1940-1980s? Madrid was playing aggressive football that was the foundation of the sport for nearly half a century and Barca are playing the diving game. Who are the cheaters? Barca are!

Mozilla894681d ago

What I want to know is how this isn't creating any tension in the Spanish locker room during internationals.

RGB4681d ago

Because Casillas is the only Spanish player with any sense and controls that room. No one would dare speak or mess with Casillas.

Forget Messi and Ronaldo, In my opinion he is the best player in the world! Football is a joke in that regard as GKs get no recognition enough though they have the hardest job on the field.

Mozilla894681d ago

That's true, usually when they start deciding who is going to get the award for best player in the world it's always a list of strikers and/or attacking midfielders. Defenders, and GK's should get a little more attention too.

zeddy4681d ago

i look forward to a good scrap every time barca and madrid play. i hope i happens next time too. i know its bad but its entertaining.

xtremegamerage4681d ago

Mourinho is a pussie who's never played football in his life, rofl.