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5 Players Who Should Never Play for Manchester United Again

In light of recent results, e.g. being knocked out of the Champions League and being beaten midweek by a spirited Bilbao, Manchester United need to rediscover their cutting edge...

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genocidegeneral2154481d ago

johnny evans is having a brilliant season so far,
id be happy if he stays for a long time if he carries on playing like this (:

FlashXIII4480d ago

Tbh I've always judged fans knowledge by how they perceive certain players.. and unfortunately if the article writer thinks Michael Carrick shouldn't play for utd again, then said writer should find a new sport to write about.

Carrick has a lot of experience, he's composed, a good ball winner and has really underrated passing.

Kos-Mos4480d ago

Carrick have most passes played forward in Premier League. This is a desperate call for hits.

Anderson84480d ago

rio's our best defender at the mo' anderson and cleverly where our best two midfielder at the start of the season before they got injured michael carrick is underrated and johnny evans is playing class... i'm not sure how you made this list but its pretty cr@p