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Roy Hodgson named England Manager

The Football Association has confirmed the appointment of Roy Hodgson as the new England coach on a four-year contract.

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buddymagoo4422d ago (Edited 4422d ago )

Happy for Roy! Always been a fan of his, a true gentlemen. He was sabotaged at Liverpool by Kenny and Gerard, not that they had any decent players anyway and he had a better record than Kenny currently has and didn't have anywhere near the amount of money that Kenny has spent.

He has more experience at international level than Redknapp who never wanted the job anyway.

freeduck4422d ago

You have to be trolling. Hodgson was way out of his league at Liverpool. He never formed a good relationship with the fans and at one press conference he insulted them. He played negative defensive football that never worked. Watch a couple games under Hodgson and then under Dalglish, you would be dumb not to see a difference. Besides, his away record was horrendous and took pride in his 1-0 away win at Bolton. His transfer policy is also a joke, Carlton Cole was so close in signing and was going to be brought via helicopter.

GanjaMan4421d ago (Edited 4421d ago )

"His transfer policy is also a joke" hahahaa so then queen kennys transfer policy must be outright atrocious, he still thinks its the 80s n thinks he can create a league winning team out of just british players lmao!

buddymagoo4421d ago (Edited 4421d ago )

Hodgson was hounded out after 13 wins and 9 defeats, King Kenny in the league this season has presided over 13 wins and 13 defeats.

Hodgsen didn't have 100m to spend like Kenny. The facts do not lie.

FlashXIII4421d ago


Kenny was demoted to queen when he signed Downing.. the fact he picks Downing ahead of Maxi most of the time means he gets a further demotion.. Jester Kenny is a far more appropriate title.

GanjaMan4421d ago


hahhaa i like your thinking but what about Kunt Kenny? or what about KU Klux Kenny (come on we all know hes a racist)

buddymagoo4421d ago (Edited 4421d ago )

"KU Klux Kenny" lol, shocking.

badz1494421d ago

They chose Roy! Seriously, it's like the FA is trolling the whole world ith this decision and seems like they are not serious at all! The frightening thing is, the FA is actually serious and gave Roy a 4 years contract too!

NewMonday4421d ago

first round knockout confirmed!

8 men behind the ball and long balls to Carroll and Rooney

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PaPa-Slam4421d ago

Well, i will not judge him over his past work, let's just wait and see how he does, and let's hope for the best.

Though if i was to judge by his past work, he won't do much good to England.

FlashXIII4421d ago

I can understand why they went with him.. usually I'd say that old Roy is best as the underdog but all things considered with England, they are the underdogs so it might work out well. Still giving him a four year contract is an absolute joke.. there is noway in hell I want this guy for longer than the Euros let alone the potential of him being the manager for the next world cup.

PaPa-Slam4421d ago

Same, i also can't understand why they went with him, but only time will tell if he was a right choice or not.

buddymagoo4421d ago

I guess he would have been a lot cheaper than Harry too.

PaPa-Slam4420d ago

Yes, that's what i was thinking too. but they know better than me.

Jonnyquest3214421d ago

Good choice, he was tarnished by Liverpool where he made some very bad decisions but we can call that a blip, Gerrard and Carragher even admitted it was the players fault. He has more success than 'arry who has won one F.a cup, been relegated and has bankrupted clubs, he has shown to be tactically inept and the fact is if he was England manager he would be complaining about being 'down to the bare bones' 'iniesta? Triffic player i'll have a word and see if we can bring him in' honestly a low key choice like Roy is the best situation, the only problem is if the tiniest thing goes wrong the press will stop slinging faeces around momentarily and will start beating their chests about 'Wot arry wud hav dun'