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Chelsea Addition of Hulk Would Add to Scary Blues Attack

There was some confusion over the fee that the Portuguese club would accept, however, with officials claiming they still want £60 million—which Chelsea will not pay.
Personal terms are understood to have been agreed already, however, and although Porto are denying that they are close to an agreement, it appears that the transfer is moving closer.
Porto have accepted that they cannot demand the €100 million (£80 million) release clause in Hulk’s contract is met and are open to negotiations especially as the 25-year-old Brazilian international has made it clear that he is desperate to leave.

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SephirothX214391d ago

He should be playing rugby. Soccer is for the more timid folk.

silvacrest4391d ago

i dont know what football you watch but i have seen players make tackles that can break legs, headbutts, elbows and shots to the groin are common place

SephirothX214391d ago

Just look at how easy most players go down to the ground with any small touch at all.

PaPa-Slam4391d ago

You serious Bro, There has been ton's of gruesome injuries in this sports.

PaPa-Slam4391d ago

Going down easily after barely being touched is called a strategy, they do it not because they're soft, but because it could work as a slight advantage for their team.

SephirothX214391d ago

That's not the case all the time. I've seen players carried off the pitch where little or no contact was made.

KingPin4391d ago

clearly you watching too much spanish football and not enough german football.

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silvacrest4391d ago

with marin, hazard, matta, hulk and torres our attacking potential would be significantly strengthened but i dont want chelsea to pay to much....

Mozilla894391d ago

Yeah I like Hulk but if we're going to be playing the same formation (4-2-3-1), then we already have Ramires who was doing great on that right mid-fielder role.

Kur04391d ago

it will be 4-2-2-2, torres and mata up front, hulk and hazard on the wings, and ramires and someone else in deep midfield.

GanjaMan4391d ago

ramires can play anywhere but i rekon hazard will play through the middle just behind torres and still keep ramires on the right and put hulk on the left

ngecenk4391d ago

chelsea is the new city! marin, hazard, hulk, thats a lot of bill to pay!

goku323594391d ago

Well city was the new Chelsea haha

ngecenk4391d ago

chelsea is the new city, which was the new chelsea!

*put inception logo here*

silvacrest4391d ago

well, you spend money you win trophies, chelsea and city have proven this already

hell, even kenny won the carling cup after spending some £140 mil

Sahil4391d ago

£98million, out of which £50 million were for a shit player ;D

not that big of spending.

silvacrest4391d ago

lol, i thought it was more, but still, that is a hell of alot, especially considering the state liverpool are in now