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John Terry charged by the FA over Anton Ferdinand clash

Chelsea captain John Terry has been charged by the Football Association after last season's incident with QPR defender Anton Ferdinand.

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Yi-Long4334d ago

... it's a bit ridiculous they didn't take action immediately, which meant Chelsea had an advantage at the end of the competition. Now they'll probably ban him at the start of the season, so Chelsea now knows that and can take action.

Suarez was banned for 8 matches for using the term 'negrido', which wasn't even meant in a racist way, so I wonder how many matches Terry will get after calling Ferdinand a Black C... (!)

Ninjamonkey824333d ago

FA where pulling a fly one wernt they. Englands Captain had to keep his name clean for the tournment. Disgrace tbh.

Rio should have played in his stead. No room for racism in the game. Kids are looking up to these players as heros. Id not have a child think anything off that twat.

As for Suarez was just as bad theres no getting round what he did be he pleading ignorant being hes from somewhere else. Smart people check before they move to another part of the world.

Terry should be made to make a public apoligise and removed from the England team.

Nes_Daze4333d ago

Terry is a disgusting unprofessional player, he deserves to get charged for this and he'll probably pull a few more stunts this year again.