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Mancini - Signings are coming

Roberto Mancini claims there could be transfer movement at Manchester City inside the next 'two weeks', with the Premier League champions 'talking to some players'.

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BritishUK4338d ago

Your good where you are, I dont see any reasons to buy more players

freeduck4338d ago

They would probably need another CB to cover for Kompany, I think Toure is leaving this summer

Ninjamonkey824336d ago

Its called flexing muscle when your in the posistion to do it. They will think nothing of signing some dumbass and leaving him on the bench for a season.

stockmancity4336d ago

Everybody gives crap to city for buying players and having good players on the bench. Chelsea have spent just as much over the last few years. If you want to make a quick change you have to spend. If you intend to make a run in the league and in the CL you need good players on the bench. We aren't going to sign players like we did last year but Mancini wants some young players. Quit your bitching.

ElliottHolland4336d ago

Manchester City- The team that buys top players to make other teams worse in order to beat them, not to make themselves better.

Grap4336d ago (Edited 4336d ago )

see who is talking lol real fan who in 1 summer spend almost 200 million in 3 players

buddymagoo4336d ago

Liverpool batter Madrid and then they go buy two of the best Liverpool players.

pot, kettle?

Straightupbeastly4336d ago

How can you make other teams worse?

PaPa-Slam4336d ago

Nope, no more signings needed.

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