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Highlights: Great Britain (4)1-1(5) South Korea [FT-Pens](London 2012 Olympics - 04/08/12)

0-1 J. Dong-Won 29'
1-1 A. Ramsey 36'(pen)

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buddymagoo4319d ago

Ramsey was hopeless as usual. Why Giggs didn't start is beyond me.

oli4319d ago

The Koreans deserved it, they played better.

Infernostew4319d ago

Maybe for the first 20 minutes but for the rest of the match it was all GB.

Infernostew4319d ago

Ramsey and Sturridge were shockingly bad. Should've subbed both of them at the half. Giggs should've come in for Ramsey at the half. He lost every ball in South Korea's half.

wantedboys4318d ago (Edited 4318d ago )

the future of england looks very bad

KingPin4318d ago

why didnt giggs start or at least take the last penalty.

Sturridge choked. worst penalty of the lot.

korea deserved it though.