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Manchester United favourites to win the title claims Mancini

Roberto Mancini, Manchester City’s manager thinks that his rivals Manchester United are the favourites to win the title this year. The fate of 2011-12

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buddymagoo4312d ago

At least Mancini can admit this even though their fans think we are in decline.

KingPin4312d ago

1998–99 Manchester United
1999–00 Manchester United
2000–01 Manchester United
2001–02 Arsenal
2002–03 Manchester United
2003–04 Arsenal
2004–05 Chelsea
2005–06 Chelsea
2006–07 Manchester United
2007–08 Manchester United
2008–09 Manchester United
2009–10 Chelsea
2010–11 Manchester United
2011–12 Manchester City

if anything, id say the decline should have been between 03 and 06. but fans are always blinded by the truth. imagine how the blood will boil if MUFC wins it.

Corepred44311d ago

Mancini is playing mind games early this year! lol Remember his mind games when they started falling behind in points towards late in the season?

Ninjamonkey824311d ago

Man wouldn't know a mind game if it bit him in the ass.

Corepred44310d ago

Bit him in the ass? If I remember right, they won the league, right? Seemed like they worked to me.

Ninjamonkey824310d ago (Edited 4310d ago )

I remember Blackburn winning the League aswell son ;). Tell you a wee secert about that one but it was players that won that Shearer Sutton Henry Batty Le saux Sherwood Flowers.

Not mind games hell as a kid i was left in tears as a United fan seen them lifting the league title. End of the day City thumbled threw there league title barely winning it by the scruff of there necks took them how many seasons to build up to it aswell with that money?.

Hell well done to them not an issue to me but others have done it in the past. Jesus has not walked on water are anything here blud ;).