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Hazard: I am going to play bad games, admits big-money signing

Eden Hazard has warned Chelsea fans that he could still play badly despite the huge transfer fee - but he's relaxed about it.

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goku323594324d ago

Everybody has a bad game every now and then. Hazard shouldn't be hyped up too much, because when eventually he does hit a slump, critics will instantly call him a flop and a waste of money. No man should have their transfer fee looming over their shoulders.

no_more_heroes4324d ago

One of the reasons why Wenger doesn't like overpaying for players, along with the obvious reasons of course.

RGB4324d ago

He was beyond poor today. Tried his first trick in his first major game with Chelsea and ended upon his arse.

Over-hyped and over-rated.

buddymagoo4324d ago (Edited 4324d ago )

I think you mean this, no?

RGB4324d ago

He played in the French league and got above average stats, we'll see if he's the next big player in football soon enough.

crazyturkey4324d ago

Hazard had a rough start to his EPL career. Got knocked down a few times when he had the ball. I don't think the ref stopped the game at any point for him. Maybe the roughness of the EPL may make him less Flamboyant than he was in the french League.

freeduck4324d ago

To be fair David Silva was like that his first season in the EPL and now look where he is. I think Hazard needs time. I am not a big fan of him especially since he's at Chelsea but I think he will be a big player for the team.