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Highlights: Arsenal 6-1 Southampton (English Premier League - 15/09/12)

1-0 J. Hooiveld 11'(og)
2-0 L. Podolski 31'
3-0 Gervinho 35'
4-0 N. Clyne 37(og)
4-1 D. Fox 45'
5-1 Gervinho 71'
6-1 T. Walcott 88'

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crazyturkey4289d ago (Edited 4289d ago )

Well that's how Arsenal should spread the goal scoring among the players. Deserved result, just wish Giroud would have scored one already. Southampton at times looked lost, but there were points in the game where they tried, too bad they were so far behind by that point.

no_more_heroes4289d ago

That was sumptuous. The only blemish on today was that we didn't keep a clean sheet, with Szczesny looking questionable all match. That first 45 minutes would have been flawless without that one mistake by Szcz. More and more it really is starting to look like we have a bona-fide defensive strategy. Four games in last season we had by far the worst defense. This season is the polar opposite. The next two prem games will be the real tests of our supposed new-found defensive solidity.

buddymagoo4289d ago

You know you are playing well when you get 2 own goals. You have the opposition so scared they put the ball in their own net.

HxCGamer4289d ago

Podolski's free kick was class!

no_more_heroes4289d ago

My jaw nearly burrowed a hole in the ground when I saw that curl in so perfectly. I really hope this means we have a free kick specialist now and that it wasn't just a one-off. We really need to score more goals from set pieces.

Corepred44289d ago

You guys really think that free kick was that good? I mean yeah it was a good free kick but nothing too special. But if you don't have a specialist as of now, I would think you keep letting him take the shots.

imtiyaz64289d ago

Superb performance. I loved how ruthless the players were on the pitch

GanjaMan4289d ago

we can defiantly challenge for the title and gervinho was class, looks way better that last season + that commentator is annoying as fuck