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Bale: I did not dive to win penalty against Scotland

The speedy Tottenham winger insists that he did not simulate to win a spot-kick for his team during the Dragons' dramatic win against the Scots in Friday's World Cup qualifier.

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crazyturkey4253d ago

yep, he didn't. Is just the rest of the world who needs to have better eyes even after watching the replay from many angles.

Dungus4252d ago

Rubbish, he intentionally clipped his own leg and fell over without being touched.

KazumaKiryu4252d ago

Diving is a cancer except when your'e British.

PaPa-Slam4252d ago

Crazy Turkey was being sarcastic dude/s.

Straightupbeastly4252d ago

I'd dive too if the refs call it so easily. It's not the players fault, they're just doing what they have to do to win.

Everything inside the box should be reviewable. Goals, dives, red cards etc..everything. Until then expect nothing to change.

PaPa-Slam4252d ago

we know you didn't... *wink* *wink*. :D