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Chelsea accused of 'cover-up' over Clattenburg

The Society of Black Lawyers have condemned the Blues' decision not to report their allegations to the police suggesting football's fight against racism is ineffective.

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karim4229d ago

Mikel didn't even go to the police. What the hell is wrong with "The Society Of Black Lawyers"? Can't they even see who stupid their society is? Why do Black Lawyers EVEN have a society?! Appalling.

Thefreeman0124229d ago

Because there was nothing thereee... Nothing happened.. Chelsea just wanted a reason to gripe and moan at clattenburg. there too busy wearing there heart on their sleeve instead of using there brains

buddymagoo4229d ago

The society of black lawyers is a racist group and should be disbanded. Would a white lawyer be allowed entry and what uproar there would be if there were to be a white lasers society.

karim4229d ago

No offence Thefreeman, but that's just retarded..Nothing happened and we complained while just coming out of a race storm and further risking backlash?

buddymagoo4229d ago

Supposedly A foreign Chelsea player misheard Mark say Monkey when he actually said Mikel

In a strong Geordie accent the word Mikel would sound like Monkey to a foreigner.

No case here.

Thefreeman0124228d ago

What evidence is there Karim? none.. there is evidence however that chelsea players and fans are racist. Aka Terry and the fan that was arrested for taunting welback....while im not saying that its only chelsea and no other team has fans who are racist..its kinda a practice what you preach moment..

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