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Chelsea 'regrets' ref abuse probe


Chelsea expressed "regret" but stopped short of apologizing to Premier League referee Mark Clattenburg after accusing him of racism in a case that was later dropped by the authorities.

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PS4OUR4210d ago

Joke of a club. Really, Chelsea is pathetic run by a dictator.

Kos-Mos4210d ago

How can this be??? The fans of this site supported chelsea 100% in this case and were 110% sure the accusations were valid. Were they all wrong? I don`t understand anything.

XboxInnovation4210d ago

Rafa Benitez is here to save the day lol

Leio4209d ago

Just dont mess with the system

karim4207d ago

A black player complained, they had to do what they had to do..The end.

cheapness14207d ago

actually black and Spanish players told by unknown source that they were abused and club complained but yar let's let it slide...

karim4207d ago

Erm, Ramires told Mikel and Mikel went to confront Clattenburg (the rest is unknown). Check the FA statement

silvacrest4207d ago

what difference does it make if hes black or rainbow colored?

discrimination should be called out no matter who its directed at, in this instance, the info given was incorrect

karim4206d ago

The info is incorrect, but Chelsea just can't be blamed for following the protocol

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