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Toral double secures Gunners' passage into second round of the NextGen series

Zak Angah and Isaac Hayden were also on target for the hosts as they claimed the three points they needed against the Spanish outfit who faded in the second half.

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no_more_heroes4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

FREE AT LAST!!! Exams are DONE so I'm completely FREE for 4 weeks! Made it through without too much damage, though I'm sure the many sleepless nights will have future repercussions. Three Tuesdays ago I had to spend 19 hours on my college campus completing an assignment. Walked through my apartment door at 5:00 am. I wake up at 6:15 am for school (yeah, didn't sleep). I had an exam at school the very next day...

Nice to see! Invaluable experience for the youngsters. Hopefully this helps them be better able to slot into the first team in the very near future.

crazyturkey4196d ago

At least the young guns are doing fine............... for your sleepless nights, I wonder if procrastination had something to do with them.

no_more_heroes4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

I also quite liked how Jernade Meade played against Olympiakos on Tuesday.

Not really. More than a few times in the last 4 week stretch I had at least 3 such assignments due on the same day. One day I had 3 assignments (2 individual, 1 group) and a group presentation due on the same day.

My Human-Computer Interaction lecturer (the main source of that 4 week stretch of hell) very freely owns up to how bloody evil she is and how she likes to torture her students...all being done with a smile on her face...

...oh, that disturbingly evil smile...

The devil truly does wear Prada...