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The fall of Nuri Sahin

This articles talks about the rise and fall of nuri sahin over the last three seasons

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sdtarm4174d ago

His fall has a name, Mourinho

sourcefootball4173d ago

Sahin moved to early imo, he should of stayed at bvb for another year then he should of went to real but I hope in the second half of the season for liverpool he does good because he is a player that I like very much

krazykombatant4173d ago

He was injured when he came to RM and then mou never played him outside of the one time. Apparently mou thought he was lazy.

crazyturkey4173d ago

I think all players should move to teams like Real Madrid when they are "big stars", otherwise the chances of them making it to the starting squad is pretty low and can destroy their careers. Just imagine a Winger trying to get into the starting line up, when C. Ronaldo is ahead of you or a CM or CDM when Xavi Alonso is ahead of you. Or when you are a striker and Fernando Torres is the one you have to compete with at Chelsea. However, I do understand that money is the biggest drive for many players and I don't blame them I would do the same. Get paid insane amounts of money and earning it just by training with no pressure of doing anything doesn't sound that bad to me.

asmith23064173d ago

Completely agree. If I only had to train for a few hours a day to earn 50k+ a week I would happily do so, then go home, log into my online banking and laugh my ass off at how unbelievable the situation is. People don't actually realise how much money that is, A WEEK. I earn around 35k A YEAR and think I'm doing alright for goodness sake. The money football players receive is scandalous.

Dungus4173d ago

Broke a Celtic players jaw in pre-season too. Silly.