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Valdano insists Mourinho has ‘average’ Madrid record

The former Santiago Bernabeu sporting director believes that the Portuguese coach is yet to excel with the Blancos, and hailed Pep Guardiola’s ‘romantic’ style of football

Former Real Madrid sporting director Jorge Valdano has labelled Jose Mourinho’s record at the club as "average".

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KingPin4168d ago

his club record may be average, but his career record tells a different story. if mourinho up and left madrid, i bet you every top club will be after him.

SadeckJaffal4166d ago

of course mourinho will stay one of the best coaches but right now in real madrid he's not doing anything special

karim4167d ago

No one seems to like Jose at Real...Maybe he should come back to a place where he is actually wanted

SadeckJaffal4166d ago

they will like him when he win some trophies

karim4166d ago

La Liga, Copa Del Rey? Okay

SadeckJaffal4166d ago

i think valdano is right !!!