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Why Gunners Should Pursue Fernando Llorente

BR - Arsenal may not be in the running for David Villa, but Arsène Wenger's club should be gunning for another superstar striker: Fernando Llorente.

With an expiring contract and a dissipating relationship with Athletic Bilbao, the 27-year-old scoring machine should be highly sought after.

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crazyturkey4169d ago

Even though I respect Llorente I think Giroud was brought to be that kind of target man up front. As a Striker I think we need someone more like how RVP was.....Of course that's a tall order, but what I mean is someone that can finish more with his legs and have a cooler head when they have the ball at their feet. Podolski can do a decent job there, but apparently he doesn't like to play in the middle and his passing is not the best. Walcott has pace and can finish many chances, but he needs to work on his passing, also keeping his head cool and making better decisions when he has the ball. David Villa could be good there, but signing(a miracle IMO)would only be a really short term solution since he is on the wrong side of 30 years of age.