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Suarez banned for 10 games for Ivanovic bite

The striker has until midday on April 26 to appeal the decision, with Liverpool managing director Ian Ayre expressing his "shock and disappointment" at the punishment

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asmith23064068d ago

10 games?? Harsh! Aguero nearly breaks David Luiz leg a couple of weeks ago, nothing done; Fellani headbutts someone, 3 match ban; and worst of all, the FA themselves back Rooney in getting a reduced ban for lashing out and kicking an opponent in the back of the legs, then they go on a man hunt with Suarez. Hypocrites.

There is a three match ban in the rulebook for violent conduct, if biting someone isn't violent conduct then what is it? I'm not condoning what Suarez did but lets put things in perspective here. I would rather someone attempt to bite me than having someone go through my legs or smash me in the face. The length of the ban is for the nature of what he did, which is ridiculous.

buddymagoo4068d ago (Edited 4068d ago )

I think it's more of a toting up system because of his many other previous 'actions'..

He doesn't seem to learn.

asmith23064068d ago

The charge for his previous 'action' you are refering to was also inconsistent... Suarez, eight match ban for racist remarks; John Terry, four match ban for the same thing. You have to admit, the FA is a joke.

KingPin4067d ago

you are 100% spot on.
The FA are a bunch of hypocrites. its ok for english players to be racists and go kicking players to the ground but if a foreigner does it, punish him to the extreme.

10 matches is harsh. 10 matches would be fair if he bit fingers clean off. then you can justify the penalty. this is just ridiculous.

Sahil4068d ago

Corrupt bastards.

One rule for Suarez another rule for everyone else.

zeddy4068d ago

the media did this, hyping everything up. 10 match does seem really harsh. its not like he gave ivanovic rabbies.

ad4mb4068d ago

so biting (which is rather stupid anyway lol) is worse then racism? :S

KingPin4067d ago

so if suarez bit a black guy, would that be an 18 match ban?

crazyturkey4068d ago

I think Suarez went for the bite to force an exit out of Liverpool and the EPL. This way he probably just dropped his price in half making it much easier for La Liga or Bundesliga teams to take him away................if he just did it for the hell of it, he needs an intervention.

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