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Is La Liga boring?

In light of Diego Simeone's claims that Spain's top flight is uninteresting because only two teams can win it, two of our experts look at the pros and cons of the Primera Division

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krazykombatant3938d ago

Not really some very good teams in there, the problem is that Barca, and Madrid could dominate the top of the league in nearly all the European leagues (yes yes maybe not germany, but still for German football to take over it needs to be constant not just the one year).

Linwelin3938d ago

They would struggle in the EPL in my opinion

krazykombatant3938d ago

yet they still walk over EPL teams in the Champions League like it nothing.

DangerousDAN3938d ago

Not really. The two best teams in Spain have already -- and recently, mind you-- beaten all of the EPL's four big teams repeatedly. Manchester United even lost embarrassingly against Athletic Bilbao two (three?) seaons ago. The Spanish teams are better technically and tactically.

Yi-Long3938d ago

I disagree with that statement.

Barcelona and Madrid ARE tactically AND technically among the very best teams in the world.

HOWEVER, the Spanish league offers them less intensive physical challenge than the Premier League (or even German League) would offer them ON A WEEKLY BASIS.

When you're completely worn down in each and every match in the season because your opponents keep fighting and coming at you, it WILL wear you down, you WILL start losing games, and because players will get tired, it will affect technique and thus tactics.

Obviously they have the qualities to be on top of every competition. Winning them each and every year, which is what happens in the Spanish League, is not something that would happen in England or (to a lesser degree) Germany, I believe.

And is the Spanish League 'boring'!? Predictable is probably the better word.

ProjectVulcan3931d ago (Edited 3931d ago )

Madrid and Barcelona would find the premier league hugely more competitive. As had been pointed out, when your opponents fold faster than superman on laundry day in la liga it makes it very easy to relax for longer and be more rested for European games. As well as being able to have a massive squad and pay huge wages because you have all the TV money while the rest of the league has peanuts, practically government level support for your club and dodgy tax evading clauses.

The Premier League is far more competitive and much less slanted to giving out rigged hands. Anyone that thinks Barcelona or Madrid would dominate in it on the level as easily against any of the top English clubs are lunatics.

Last time I checked United looked dead on to beat Madrid and were outplaying them before a game altering decision in the Champions League and Chelsea last beat Barcelona over two legs and won the whole competition as well despite the fact they weren't even close to the top of the league at that point....(they finished 6th!)

It was still only 8 years ago Liverpool won the Champions league despite finishing in the league outside the top 4. Thats two english clubs in 8 years finishing outside the top 4 but winning the biggest competition such is how hard fought the league is.

Last time this happened for a Spanish club? 13 years ago.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3931d ago
silvacrest3938d ago

the simple problem is there are only two teams who can fight for number one

that takes away from the significance of other team fixtures

theEx1Le3938d ago (Edited 3938d ago )

I used to think La Liga was boring until I actually started to watch games not just involving the big 2. They are often fairly competitive with nice attacking football on display. Not always but all leagues suffer from that. Watch a game between Stoke and Norwich and you aren't going to see the most spectacular football.

Even at that though, the Real Madrid vs Real Betis match the other night was great. Proof if ever needed that these teams are capable of struggling to beat teams in their league. But thats what makes people think the league is boring, they look at the end result, not the game played to get it.

But in terms of what the article means, money is a huge factor that determines why the league is so "2 sided" if you will. the only reason Atletico were able to mount any challenge at all was because Man city paid good money for Aguero, which they used for Falcao.

listenkids3937d ago

By some of the logic in these comments regarding "skill" Barcelona dominates EPL teams? Yet loses 7-0 in 2 games to Bayern, who lost 2-0 at home to Arsenal. So Arsenal are the best team in Europe?

United outplayed Real Madrid with 10 men and a less than stellar mid.

Claiming they're dominant is ignorant.

krazykombatant3937d ago

LOL such a sweked way to even go about this whole topic.

Barcelona prior to the beaten bayern gave where the dominant force in europe being seeded against them meant that the team would need a miracle to get by.

Bayern had layed back and yeah they had lost to arsenal, but things like that happen. "united outplayed RM with 10 men" LOL ok, thats why they still gave up 2 goals in like 3 minutes.

The only ignorant fool here is you and your outrageous statement.

listenkids3937d ago

Any team can lose an edge when an unfair claim is made to ruin the entire feel of the game. As for being the only ignorant fool, 4 agree so I assume they are too.

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