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'Everybody can see what a player we have on our hands' - Moyes hails Januzaj after Swansea win

The teenager inspired Manchester United to their first victory of 2014 at Old Trafford on Saturday and his manager could not hide his delight at his contribution

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jak3y13oy3800d ago

yes, he's fine promising player, but the last thing we should do is to hype him up to be potentially one of best in the world which he might not live up to!

Spiewie 3800d ago

I hope he does he's got the potential.

jak3y13oy3800d ago

yeah i hope he does aswell.. he deffo has potential but we don't want the media etc pressurizing him to be the next Ronaldo but they most probably will!

Spiewie 3800d ago

He came out of nowhere hahaha trying to keep Man United winning every so often. Hmm on Techspy and Filmwatch they kill for not inluding the source at the start xD