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2014 World Cup Fantasy League! Win $100!

Hello All!

As you may know the World Cup is only 12 days away!

So why not celebrate this amazing competition with a Fantasy League!

The winner will receive $100!
Also we have round prizes as well!
If your team gets the most points in the round you win $10!

Click this link to be directed to the website.

You will need to create a account to access this fantasy league and then agree to the T&Cs to be able to have a team!
Also sign up by the 12th June to be able to get maximum points!
(You can start making your squad on the 8th June)

Make sure you join our league as well!

Rules etc.

Good luck all!

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Stringerbell3660d ago

Sounds cool, def signing up!

Sidology3659d ago

SCRATCH THAT, IT'S $10 PER ROUND WINNER, NOT $15, you have been gravely misinformed and I do not have those dollars to distribute.

Seven rounds by $10 equals $70 to give to round winners. Top winner gets $100, prizes stack, etc., so if you're kicking butt, you can HAVE IT ALL.

Jake, please edit your post to reflect this correction.

jak3y13oy3658d ago

i have changed that, sorry :S ;D

Sandmano3658d ago

Cool now to make a team.

-Mezzo-3656d ago

jak3y13oy - If this guys is gonna be Competing, there's no point in trying, we all will just embarrass ourselves.

jak3y13oy3656d ago

haha what can i say, i can predict the future! O.O